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Zmaj Fizir F1

The Fizir F1V was the cornerstone of engineer Rudolf Fizir’s series of single-engine, two-seat trainer/reconnaissance biplanes, each powered by different engines.

Test pilot Vladimir Striževski first flew the prototype in late November 1925.

Following the initial design, Dušan Stankov collaborated on further development, leading to five more prototypes and 32 production aircraft, known as the Fizir F1V, over the next three years.

These aircraft were built at the Rogožarski factory, while Zmaj produced 15 Fizir F1V-Wright versions and 5 Jupiter-powered Fizir F1M seaplanes for Naval Aviation in 1930.

In 1932, Zmaj was instrumental in converting several Fizir-Maybach trainers to Lorraine-Dietrich engines, thereby extending their service life under the new designation Fizir-Lorraine 400 hp.

The Fizir F1V aircraft served at flying schools, aiding the transition of students to reconnaissance and bomber planes, and gradually replaced the Hansa-Brandenburg C.I as production allowed.

By the end of 1928, a total of twenty units had been manufactured, followed by an additional twelve in 1929.

These Fizir F1V aircraft were eventually phased out from pilot schools and substituted by the newer Zmaj Fizir FP-2 in 1936.

Nevertheless, a number of these planes continued to be deployed as liaison aircraft or for training at the start of the war in 1941.

The Fizir F1M, the last in the Fizir aircraft series and also known as Fizir first Navy, was a seaplane crafted by “Zmaj” in Zemun under the direction of the Navy Command for reconnaissance missions on floats.

Dubbed the Zmaj Fizir-Jupiter or “Big Fizir,” these planes served the Naval Air Force for reconnaissance and target towing in anti-aircraft training.

In 1931, an NACA ring was installed on one aircraft to improve the cooling of its Jupiter engine and to lessen drag.

During the war, three of these seaplanes were seized by the Italians, but it is not clear if they were ever put to use by them.


Fizir F1

Prototype with a 190 kW (260 hp) Maybach Mb.IVa

(1 example, 1925)

Fizir F1V-Maybach

190 kW (260 hp) Maybach Mb.IVa

(32 examples, 1928)

Fizir F1V-Loren 

340 kW (450 hp) Lorraine-Dietrich 12Eb W-12 engine

(1st prototype converted 1928 + 15 Lorraine conversion Maybach 12 dB 400KS in 1933)

Fizir F1V-Hispano 

340 kW (450 hp) Hispano-Suiza 12G V-12 engine,

(1 prototype converted in 1928)

Fizir F1V-Wright

160 kW (220 hp) Wright Whirlwind J-5 radial engine,

(1 prototype and 15 production examples in 1930)

Fizir F1M-Jupiter

A naval seaplane with 310 kW (420 hp) Gnome-Rhône 9A / IAM 9AD radial engine

(5 examples in 1930)

Fizir F1G-Castor

180 kW (240 hp) Walter Castor 7-cylinder radial engine,

(1 prototype in 1931)

Fizir F1G-Titan

170 kW (230 hp) Bristol Titan 7-cylinder radial engine,

(1 prototype in 1931)





10.21 m (33 ft 6 in)


12.71 m (41 ft 8 in)


3.10 m (10 ft 2 in)

Empty weight

1,100 kg (2,425 lb)

Gross weight

1,450 kg (3,197 lb)


1 × Maybach MbIVa

7-cylinder radial,

190 kW (260 hp)


Maximum speed

176 km/h (109 mph, 95 kn) at sea level

Service ceiling

6,000 m (20,000 ft)

Rate of climb

3.46 m/s (681 ft/min) to 5,000 m (16,405 ft).

One Hundred Years of the Serbian Air Force, 1912-2012-Miroslav Jandrić.
Short History of Aviation in Serbia-Čedomir Janić & Ognjan Petrović.
Yugoslav Fighter Colours, 1918-1941, Vol 1-Ognjan Petrovic & Djordie Nikolic.
Yugoslav Fighter Colours, 1918-1941, Vol 2-Ognjan Petrovic & Djordie Nikolic.
Serbian Aviation, 1912 – 1918 – Srpska Avijatika.



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